518 Entries Found - Displaying 1 to 518
Entry no. 195 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1ET4_j2_E-A114_E-C129 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 836 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1HR2_j2_A-G129_A-G191 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 1517 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1J7T_j2_A-C6_B-G37 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 1843 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1JZZ_j2_A-C299_A-G361 |
Angle(s):159° |
Entry no. 2179 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1K8A_j2_A-A2095_A-C2647 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 2659 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1KQS_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):48° |
Entry no. 2961 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1M90_j2_A-A293_A-C356 |
Angle(s):141° |
Entry no. 3359 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1N36_j2_A-U952_A-C1226 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 3731 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJM_j2_0-U715_0-A740 |
Angle(s):145° |
Entry no. 4100 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJP_j2_0-G1760_0-G1963 |
Angle(s):165° |
Entry no. 4397 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1P9X_j2_0-U1447_0-G1573 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 4707 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1PNY_j2_0-U715_0-A740 |
Angle(s):145° |
Entry no. 5024 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Q82_j2_A-G2865_A-U2889 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 5569 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1S1I_j2_3-A293_3-C356 |
Angle(s):124° |
Entry no. 6080 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VOU_j2_B-U1705_B-A1714 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 6429 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ4_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):140° |
Entry no. 6902 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ8_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 7224 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQL_j2_0-C563_0-G592 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 7571 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQO_j2_0-C563_0-G592 |
Angle(s):159° |
Entry no. 7964 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1W2B_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):154° |
Entry no. 8548 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Y69_j2_9-C19_9-G66 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 8946 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YIT_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):151° |
Entry no. 9329 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YJW_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 9568 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-G2379_2-G2393 |
Angle(s):162° |
Entry no. 9816 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2AHT_j2_A-G6_A-U19 |
Angle(s):165° |
Entry no. 10236 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2B9N_j2_A-G738_A-C756 |
Angle(s):168° |
Entry no. 10509 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2ET5_j2_A-C6_B-G38 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 10768 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2GYA_j2_0-G2838_0-G2877 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 11007 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGI_j2_A-C150_A-G168 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 11322 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGR_j2_A-G1124_A-C1147 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 11919 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2J01_j2_A-U2653_A-A2665 |
Angle(s):159° |
Entry no. 12506 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2OTL_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
Angle(s):121° |
Entry no. 29 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1C2W_j2_B-A2054_B-C2612 |
Angle(s):171° |
Entry no. 215 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1FFK_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):49° |
Entry no. 914 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1I94_j2_A-U127_A-G222 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 1518 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1J7T_j2_A-G15_B-C28 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 1854 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1JZZ_j2_A-G1542_A-C1558 |
Angle(s):168° |
Entry no. 2183 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1K8A_j2_A-A293_A-C356 |
Angle(s):140° |
Entry no. 2660 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1KQS_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):149° |
Entry no. 2999 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1M90_j2_A-G2865_A-U2889 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 3385 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1N8R_j2_A-A1590_A-C1602 |
Angle(s):48° |
Entry no. 3775 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJN_j2_0-A689_0-G812 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 4110 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJP_j2_0-G2379_0-G2393 |
Angle(s):159° |
Entry no. 4403 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1P9X_j2_0-U2090_0-U2163 |
Angle(s):150° |
Entry no. 4710 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1PNY_j2_9-A74_9-G105 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 5095 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Q86_j2_A-A1590_A-C1602 |
Angle(s):48° |
Entry no. 5607 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1S1I_j2_3-G2865_3-U2889 |
Angle(s):119° |
Entry no. 6126 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VOV_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 6448 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ4_j2_0-C563_0-G592 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 6973 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ9_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):50° |
Entry no. 7241 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQL_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 7588 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQO_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
Angle(s):119° |
Entry no. 7968 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1W2B_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):141° |
Entry no. 8603 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YHQ_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):50° |
Entry no. 8950 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YIT_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):139° |
Entry no. 9420 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YL3_j2_A-G738_A-C756 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 9571 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-G2793_2-A2801 |
Angle(s):162° |
Entry no. 9839 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2AVY_j2_A-C1407_A-G1491 |
Angle(s):150° |
Entry no. 10313 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2B9P_j2_A-A676_A-G799 |
Angle(s):171° |
Entry no. 10510 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2ET5_j2_A-G15_B-C29 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 10772 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2GYA_j2_0-G535_0-A556 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 11021 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGI_j2_A-G1124_A-C1147 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 11332 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGR_j2_A-G447_A-G484 |
Angle(s):108° |
Entry no. 12014 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2J02_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 12583 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2TPK_j2_A-A15_A-U25 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 57 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1C2W_j2_B-G1031_B-C1121 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 216 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1FFK_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):151° |
Entry no. 954 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1I95_j2_A-C1389_A-G1468 |
Angle(s):149° |
Entry no. 1525 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1JJ2_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):49° |
Entry no. 1860 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1JZZ_j2_A-G2032_A-C2596 |
Angle(s):154° |
Entry no. 2184 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1K8A_j2_A-A569_A-C586 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 2700 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1KQS_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 3086 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1MWL_j2_A-C6_B-G37 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 3386 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1N8R_j2_A-A2095_A-C2647 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 3825 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJN_j2_0-G1760_0-G1963 |
Angle(s):165° |
Entry no. 4114 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJP_j2_0-G2818_0-G2846 |
Angle(s):170° |
Entry no. 4473 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1PNS_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 4711 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1PNY_j2_9-A78_9-A101 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 5096 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Q86_j2_A-A2095_A-C2647 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 5678 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1S72_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):49° |
Entry no. 6146 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VOW_j2_A-A74_A-G105 |
Angle(s):154° |
Entry no. 6466 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ4_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 6974 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ9_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 7313 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQM_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):52° |
Entry no. 7658 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQP_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):50° |
Entry no. 8115 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1X8W_j2_C-C121_C-C197 |
Angle(s):60° |
Entry no. 8604 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YHQ_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 8987 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YIT_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
Angle(s):121° |
Entry no. 9457 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YL4_j2_A-G148_A-A171 |
Angle(s):148° |
Entry no. 9572 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-G2818_2-G2846 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 9855 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2AVY_j2_A-G450_A-U480 |
Angle(s):136° |
Entry no. 10331 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2B9P_j2_A-G738_A-C756 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 10515 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2F4S_j2_A-G1491_B-C1407 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 10775 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2GYA_j2_0-G738_0-A756 |
Angle(s):174° |
Entry no. 11031 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGI_j2_A-G447_A-G484 |
Angle(s):108° |
Entry no. 11352 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGR_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 12086 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2J03_j2_A-G2458_A-G2490 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 12622 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2UU9_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):175° |
Entry no. 75 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1C2W_j2_B-G188_B-U206 |
Angle(s):177° |
Entry no. 220 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1FFK_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):141° |
Entry no. 988 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1I95_j2_A-U127_A-G222 |
Angle(s):174° |
Entry no. 1526 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1JJ2_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):151° |
Entry no. 1873 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1JZZ_j2_A-G2818_A-G2846 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 2223 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1K8A_j2_A-G2865_A-U2889 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 2782 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1L8V_j2_A-G129_A-G191 |
Angle(s):168° |
Entry no. 3087 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1MWL_j2_A-G15_B-C28 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 3390 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1N8R_j2_A-A293_A-C356 |
Angle(s):141° |
Entry no. 3835 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJN_j2_0-G2379_0-G2393 |
Angle(s):155° |
Entry no. 4129 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJP_j2_0-U1447_0-G1573 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 4500 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1PNU_j2_0-A689_0-G812 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 4712 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1PNY_j2_9-C19_9-G66 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 5100 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Q86_j2_A-A293_A-C356 |
Angle(s):141° |
Entry no. 5679 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1S72_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 6147 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VOW_j2_A-C19_A-G66 |
Angle(s):165° |
Entry no. 6535 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ5_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):49° |
Entry no. 6978 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ9_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):141° |
Entry no. 7314 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQM_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):154° |
Entry no. 7659 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQP_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):150° |
Entry no. 8144 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1XBP_j2_0-A2063_0-G2216 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 8608 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YHQ_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):139° |
Entry no. 9058 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YJ9_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):50° |
Entry no. 9492 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YLG_j2_A-U6_A-A23 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 9582 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-U1447_2-G1573 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 9866 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2AVY_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):179° |
Entry no. 10363 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2BE0_j2_A-C5_B-G35 |
Angle(s):154° |
Entry no. 10517 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2F4T_j2_A-G1491_B-C1407 |
Angle(s):172° |
Entry no. 10787 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2GYA_j2_0-U2653_0-A2665 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 11049 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGI_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):178° |
Entry no. 11420 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HHH_j2_A-A1221_A-C1278 |
Angle(s):67° |
Entry no. 12090 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2J03_j2_A-G2843_A-C2871 |
Angle(s):173° |
Entry no. 12686 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2UUA_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):175° |
Entry no. 100 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1C2W_j2_B-U1865_B-C1874 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 256 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1FFK_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
Angle(s):119° |
Entry no. 1027 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1I96_j2_A-C1389_A-G1468 |
Angle(s):150° |
Entry no. 1530 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1JJ2_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):142° |
Entry no. 1874 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1JZZ_j2_A-G2823_A-U2841 |
Angle(s):116° |
Entry no. 2296 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1K9M_j2_A-A1590_A-C1602 |
Angle(s):49° |
Entry no. 2788 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1L8V_j2_B-G129_B-G191 |
Angle(s):169° |
Entry no. 3130 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1N32_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 3391 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1N8R_j2_A-A569_A-C586 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 3839 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJN_j2_0-G2818_0-G2846 |
Angle(s):171° |
Entry no. 4130 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1NJP_j2_0-U1679_0-U1978 |
Angle(s):150° |
Entry no. 4546 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1PNU_j2_0-G888_0-A911 |
Angle(s):167° |
Entry no. 4747 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Q7Y_j2_A-A1590_A-C1602 |
Angle(s):49° |
Entry no. 5138 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Q86_j2_A-G2865_A-U2889 |
Angle(s):120° |
Entry no. 5683 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1S72_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):141° |
Entry no. 6152 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VOW_j2_B-A1004_B-U1170 |
Angle(s):149° |
Entry no. 6536 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ5_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 6979 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ9_j2_0-A767_0-G892 |
Angle(s):157° |
Entry no. 7318 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQM_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):141° |
Entry no. 7663 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQP_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):142° |
Entry no. 8151 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1XBP_j2_0-C2824_0-U2840 |
Angle(s):129° |
Entry no. 8609 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YHQ_j2_0-A569_0-C586 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 9059 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YJ9_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 9494 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YNE_j2_A-U6_A-A23 |
Angle(s):139° |
Entry no. 9583 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-U1680_2-U1978 |
Angle(s):127° |
Entry no. 9867 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2AVY_j2_A-U1445_A-G1455 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 10364 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2BE0_j2_A-G14_B-C26 |
Angle(s):156° |
Entry no. 10525 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2F4V_j2_A-C1059_A-C1195 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 10847 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2GYB_j2_A-C43_A-C396 |
Angle(s):168° |
Entry no. 11076 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGJ_j2_A-A2054_A-C2612 |
Angle(s):161° |
Entry no. 11459 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HHH_j2_A-U128_A-G223 |
Angle(s):175° |
Entry no. 12177 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2J28_j2_B-G2843_B-U2871 |
Angle(s):164° |
Entry no. 12748 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2UUB_j2_A-U133_A-G227 |
Angle(s):176° |
Entry no. 102 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1C2W_j2_B-U2081_B-U2236 |
Angle(s):152° |
Entry no. 403 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
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Entry no. 1057 |
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Entry no. 1568 |
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Entry no. 1889 |
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Entry no. 2297 |
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Entry no. 6186 |
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Entry no. 10365 |
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Entry no. 10529 |
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Entry no. 11087 |
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Entry no. 1094 |
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Entry no. 3855 |
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Entry no. 4185 |
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Entry no. 4554 |
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Entry no. 4752 |
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Entry no. 5840 |
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Entry no. 10366 |
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Entry no. 11130 |
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Entry no. 11556 |
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Entry no. 12204 |
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Entry no. 12845 |
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Entry no. 444 |
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Entry no. 1677 |
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Entry no. 1979 |
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Entry no. 2795 |
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Entry no. 3168 |
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Entry no. 3520 |
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Entry no. 3869 |
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Entry no. 4259 |
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Entry no. 4559 |
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Entry no. 4753 |
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Entry no. 5233 |
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Entry no. 5852 |
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Entry no. 6254 |
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Entry no. 6643 |
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Entry no. 7086 |
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Entry no. 7358 |
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Entry no. 7786 |
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Entry no. 8280 |
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Entry no. 8718 |
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Entry no. 9107 |
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Entry no. 9497 |
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Entry no. 9598 |
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Entry no. 9957 |
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Entry no. 10472 |
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Entry no. 10561 |
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Entry no. 10899 |
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Entry no. 11133 |
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Entry no. 11613 |
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Entry no. 12297 |
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Entry no. 162 |
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Entry no. 506 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
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Entry no. 1212 |
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Entry no. 1684 |
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Entry no. 1996 |
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Entry no. 2414 |
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Entry no. 2798 |
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Entry no. 3199 |
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Entry no. 3524 |
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Entry no. 3915 |
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Entry no. 4295 |
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Entry no. 4562 |
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Entry no. 4791 |
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Entry no. 5271 |
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Name:1QVF_j2_0-G2865_0-U2889 |
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Entry no. 5905 |
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Entry no. 6255 |
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Entry no. 6682 |
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Entry no. 7087 |
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Entry no. 7432 |
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Entry no. 7812 |
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Entry no. 8337 |
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Entry no. 8719 |
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Entry no. 9175 |
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Entry no. 9501 |
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Entry no. 9664 |
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Entry no. 10501 |
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Entry no. 10602 |
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Entry no. 10914 |
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Entry no. 11140 |
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Entry no. 11634 |
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Entry no. 12298 |
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Entry no. 163 |
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Entry no. 1685 |
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Entry no. 1997 |
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Entry no. 3242 |
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Entry no. 3563 |
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Entry no. 3965 |
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Entry no. 4317 |
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Entry no. 4563 |
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Entry no. 4865 |
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Entry no. 5343 |
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Entry no. 5926 |
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Entry no. 6295 |
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Entry no. 6750 |
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Entry no. 7433 |
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Entry no. 7813 |
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Entry no. 8401 |
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Entry no. 9986 |
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Entry no. 10605 |
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Entry no. 12307 |
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Entry no. 172 |
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Entry no. 1335 |
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Entry no. 1693 |
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Entry no. 2012 |
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Name:1K01_j2_A-U1447_A-G1573 |
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Entry no. 2419 |
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Entry no. 4383 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1P9X_j2_0-G2818_0-G2846 |
Angle(s):166° |
Entry no. 4702 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1PNY_j2_0-U1705_0-A1714 |
Angle(s):178° |
Entry no. 4985 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Q82_j2_A-A293_A-C356 |
Angle(s):140° |
Entry no. 5565 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1S1I_j2_3-A2095_3-C2647 |
Angle(s):154° |
Entry no. 6076 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VOU_j2_B-U1005_B-C1169 |
Angle(s):159° |
Entry no. 6425 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ4_j2_0-A2095_0-C2647 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 6885 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQ8_j2_0-C563_0-G592 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 7204 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQL_j2_0-A569_0-C586 |
Angle(s):151° |
Entry no. 7550 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1VQO_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):142° |
Entry no. 7963 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1W2B_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):48° |
Entry no. 8514 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Y69_j2_0-G2818_0-G2846 |
Angle(s):170° |
Entry no. 8945 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YIT_j2_0-A1590_0-C1602 |
Angle(s):48° |
Entry no. 9294 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1YJW_j2_0-A569_0-C586 |
Angle(s):151° |
Entry no. 9555 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:1Z58_j2_2-G1277_2-A1996 |
Angle(s):153° |
Entry no. 9764 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2AAR_j2_0-U1431_0-U1594 |
Angle(s):165° |
Entry no. 10218 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2B9N_j2_A-A676_A-G799 |
Angle(s):168° |
Entry no. 10508 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2ET4_j2_A-G15_B-C29 |
Angle(s):163° |
Entry no. 10766 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2GYA_j2_0-G2458_0-G2490 |
Angle(s):158° |
Entry no. 11006 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGI_j2_A-C1402_A-G1497 |
Angle(s):150° |
Entry no. 11313 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2HGR_j2_A-C150_A-G168 |
Angle(s):160° |
Entry no. 11901 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2J01_j2_A-G2843_A-C2871 |
Angle(s):174° |
Entry no. 12467 |
Classification:HS1HS2 |
Name:2OTL_j2_0-A293_0-C356 |
Angle(s):143° |
518 Entries Found - Displaying 1 to 518